Ramblings on life …

Life is messy.

Full of emotions, desire, wants and needs.

It is gratuitous, beautiful, frightening and compelling.

Days pass, moments happen, love disappears, tears fall, passion kindles and laughter bubbles.

And through it all we remain ever hopeful.

Hopeful that we’ll meet our true love, feel passion, know are souls purpose, bring joy to others, make ends meet, continue to grow, retain good health, foster our faith and spirituality, and be understood …

Sometimes, it’s difficult to see through the thick haze of disappointment that envelops us.  But we must try. For beyond the haze is an enormous, sparkling, never-ending well of possibility.

It’s strange how we tend to analyze our lives more at certain times of the year.  Most specifically at the end of each year.  It’s when we tally up the good, the bad and the ugly. Giving ourselves a score, so to speak.  Did we achieve our goals? Was love found or lost? Did we grow older or simply old?

It’s the time of year when we take stock, make resolutions and invest in ourselves.

It’s newness enveloped in possibility.

So, as you look behind, make sure not too linger.  Keep moving forward and let your heart be grateful and light.

Happy (early) New Year!

Why …

I sometimes wonder about the why’s of life.

Why do we let ourselves fall into an emotional life with some and not with others.

Why do relationships end?

Does it do any good to even try to figure such things out?

When love is forsaken how do you go on?

Does time heal all wounds, or do we heal them ourselves with time?

Where does the love go once it’s no longer shared?

Does it float gently into the ether and linger softly around us as spiritual dew?

Or does it permeate others who are in the new and lovely phase of knowing.

Pollinating souls …

What of the residue that lingers? Why does it do so?

And, how do we protect ourselves from repeating the pain again?

I am thoughtful, and it’s at times like this that I truly wish I knew the ‘why’ of it all.

If only the universe would share its secrets.

If only my heart could rise above …




Until all I feel is the wispy tendrils of clouds, as they curl lightly about me.


A bit of giving …

I met a homeless man and his puppy yesterday.

The pup was precious.  Big paws and brown eyes.

I had stopped to find my cell phone (which had fallen underneath the passenger seat) and the sweet beast greeted me when I opened my door.

It was a chilly morning and I noticed that the man was wearing a back pack and had only one thin blanket over his shoulders.  I imagined them working to keep each other warm in the night and my heart simply broke.

I immediately realized that I had a few dog provisions in the car.

First, my Lulu’s coat.

It is pink and white and it’s been with us for years.

But at that moment, I realized the most important thing was that the little puppy have it.  I pulled it out of the back and walked up to the man.  He was so thrilled.  I worried about the colors (because the pup was male),  but he said “the colors don’t matter, it will definitely keep him warm”.

I then went back to the car and found a couple of bones and a sweet little toy.

When I returned to the curb, the puppy was warm and cozy and seemed so happy.

He saw the bones in my hand and was thrilled.

When I left them, bear cub (the puppy) was happily chewing a bone and the man had gone into the store to get coffee with a few dollars I had given him.

As I pulled away, I realized that it’s when we step out of ourselves – our worries and our ego’s, that it is possible to truly be happy.

Love is in the giving and in the knowledge that you just may have made a difference in someone’s life no matter how small.